
Še nekaj informacij glede jutrišnjih kvalifikacij, v zadnjem mailu je bila napaka glede časovnic.

Plezanje za vse kategorije poteka med 16:00 in 19:30. Finale za rekreativce je ob 20:30. Finalu sledi seveda žur! DJ Petes bo vrtel Sceno do poznih ur. Uradni after party pa bo v soboto od 22h naprej, tako kot je bilo zapisano v prejšnejm emailu.
V petek bodo na Sceni tudi stojnice, kjer se bodo prodajali Trinity izdelki in vzorci prejšnjih sezon Black Diamond opreme in oblačil, seveda po privlačnih cenah.
Vse rekreativce prosimo, da si že doma uredijo Vertical life profil na https://www.scorecard.info/ Rekreativni del finala se bo vodil preko spletne aplikacije, kjer bodo udeleženci sami vpisovali svoje rezultate. 


Here is some more information about tomorrow’s qualifications, the last post was a timekeeping error.
Recreational competition and qualifications will run from 16:00 until 19:30. The final for recreational competition is at 20:30. After the final DJ Petes will play Scena until late hours. Official after party will be on Saturday from 22:00 at Bolder scena as mentioned in previous email.
On Friday, there will be stalls on the scene where Trinity products and samples from last season collection Black Diamond equipment and clothing will be sold, of course at attractive prices.
All recreational competition participants are kindly asked to register the Vertical life profile at https://www.scorecard.info/. The recreational part of the final will be run through the web application where participants will enter their own results.