Dragi tekmovalci!
Letošnja izvedba tekmovanja Triglav The Rock Ljubljana – Street edition bo zares drugačna. Verjamemo, da ste tako kot mi, nestrpno spremljali vremensko napoved, ki se iz dneva v dan spreminja. Zaenkrat je napoved še vedno nekoliko deževna, upamo, da se dež še nekoliko zamakne.
Zdaj pa k informacijam, ki vas najbolj zanimajo. Kvalifikacije bodo potekale od 9:00 do 17:00 ure na 10 različnih lokacijah v Ljubljani (v primeru resnega poslabšanja vremena, bomo vse izzive izvedli v plezalnih centrih, o čemer boste pravočasno obveščeni). Še preden začnete s plezanjem se boste v nedeljo zjutraj od 8:00 naprej zglasili na Info točki na Novem trgu (črn šotor Extrem), kjer prevzamete svoj personaliziran dres in zloženko v kateri boste zbirali štempiljke po opravljenih izzivih. Prav tako se prosim registrirajte na https://www.scorecard.info/en/bolder-scena/triglav-the-rock-2020-street-edition (podrobnejše informacije spodaj), kjer boste sproti vpisovali vaše rezultate.
Najboljših 6 žensk in najboljših 6 moških se uvrsti v večerni del tekmovanja – plezanje nad Ljubljanico. POZOR!!! Uvrščeni kvalifikantje se morate v izolacijski coni zglasiti najkasneje ob 17:30, da boste lahko tekmovali v večernem delu tekmovanja. Izolacijska cona bo na Novem trgu.
Lokacije plezanja po Ljubljani:
1. Tivoli (Info točka – rdeča skulptura)
2. Rimski zid
3. Waldorfska šola
4. Poljanska cesta 20
5. Foculus
6. Plečnikov podhod
7. Jakopičeva Galerija
8. Plezalni center Ljubljana
9. Balvanija
10. Bolder scena
Informacije o Scorecard sistemu:
INFORMACIJE02Za prijavo se je treba prijaviti ali registrirat z vertical life accountom (zgoraj desno). Ko je to urejeno, se registrirate s klikom na gumb “register to this event” (pod fotografijo). Izberete kategorijo, kliknete “Enroll”. Vzpone dodajate prek gumba “scorecard” spodaj. Vzpone označite s klikom na krogec, ki se mora zeleno obarvati, in spodaj kliknete “save”.
Vzponi morajo biti vnešeni do konca dogodka, torej do nedelje 17.00!
Dear competitors!
This year Triglav The Rock Ljubljana – Street edition will truly be different. You were probably checking the weather in the last few days and we were doing the same. We have decided to do the event, regardless of the weather.
Now the important information you need for the competition. The qualifications will start at 9 a.m. and will close at 5 p.m. There are 10 different locations around Ljubljana city where there will be challenges for you to climb. If the weather gets really bad we will move all the locations inside (we will let you know about any changes that may come. Before you start with the climbing, you have to collect your personalized jersey and leaflet (in which you will collect stamps after successfully finished challenge) at the Info point at Novi trg on Sunday from 8 a.m. on.
Please register or login to https://www.scorecard.info/en/bolder-scena/triglav-the-rock-2020-street-edition (more information below), you will put your results to this web page.
Best 6 female and male climbers continue to the evening part of the competition – climbing above the Ljubljanica river. ATTENTION!!! All qualified to the evening finals have to be at the isolation zone no later than 5:30 p.m. The isolation zone is at Novi trg.
Climbing locations around Ljubljana:
1. Tivoli (Info točka – rdeča skulptura)
2. Rimski zid
3. Waldorfska šola
4. Poljanska cesta 20
5. Foculus
6. Plečnikov podhod
7. Jakopičeva Galerija
8. Plezalni center Ljubljana
9. Balvanija
10. Bolder scena
Information about the Scorecard system:
You first have to login or register with the vertical life account (upper right side). When this is done, you register to the event by pressing the »register to this event« button (under the photograph). You choose your category and click »Enroll«. You add challenges by clicking the »scorecard« button bellow. You choose each challenge by clicking the circle, that has to turn green and then click »save«.
All results must be saved to the Scorecard system no later than 5 p.m. on Sunday!